Friday, April 2, 2010

Comparison of Career Opportunities: MBA Marketing VS MBA Finance

At present, marketing and finance are two of the most exciting career field where chances of growth are pretty high. By successfully earning MBA marketing and MBA finance degree, you will get a solid understanding of both these fields.

Career Opportunities with MBA Marketing Degree

By successfully earning MBA marketing degree, you can work as a product manager, marketing manager and marketing head. The average salary of individuals with MBA marketing degree is in the range of $50,000 to $70,000. If you are working in a big company, this figure can go up to $90,000.
To attain success in the field of marketing, it is quite important that you are theoretically very strong. You should know how to implement marketing strategies in a proper way. If your marketing strategy is not up to the mark, your products are not going to be successful in the market. Best marketing managers are ones which has an ability to modify marketing strategy on the basis of market condition. Before launching any product, it is the responsibility of marketing manager to identify target audience.

Career opportunities with MBA Finance Degree

By successfully earning MBA finance degree, you can work as a finance manager, budget analyst and finance head. The average salary of individuals with MBA finance degree is in the range of $45,000 to $70,000. As your experience level increases, there is going to be some increase in your average salary. Finance is the lifeline of any business organization and therefore if the finance department is not in proper shape, your business is not going to function properly. It is the responsibility of finance manager to make sure that organization act on the basis of preset budget. Finance manager also need to interact with the investors on a regular basis because they are the one that provides funds to business organization.

Earning MBA Marketing Degree

To earn MBA marketing degree, you need to study for a period of two years. There are some online universities which runs accelerated program through which you can earn MBA marketing degree in just one and a half years. Some of the best colleges and universities running MBA marketing degree program are University of Phoenix, Walden University and Capella University.

Earning MBA Finance Degree

To earn MBA marketing degree, you need to study for a period of two years. To get an admission into MBA finance degree program, it is quite important that you possess a Bachelor degree in finance. Some of the best colleges and universities running MBA finance degree program are University of Phoenix, Kaplan University and Jones International University

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